I think we have a clear winner in the category of terrorist sympathizing journalist of the year award. Here's the award nomination worthy head line:
Terror suspects' beards are safe now
I kid you not. Carol Rosenberg of the Miami Herald loads this piece with jihad lovin ooziness.
I, as I am sure most of you did, thought the headline was a little sarcastic. But no, Rosenberg is completely concerned that Muslim men are now being tortured by a beard trim (torture redefined again).
GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, Cuba -- Guards earlier this year stopped cutting the beards off unruly war-on-terror detainees, according to the military, confirming for the first time a practice that enraged Muslim captives and their American advocates.
Prison commanders withdrew the policy of ''beard trimming'' in May, said Army Col. Bill Costello, a spokesman for the U.S. Southern Command in Miami.
From 2005, he said, it had been an approved ``disciplinary action for severe physical assaults against the guard force, to include the throwing of feces, urine, semen, vomit, blood and/or saliva.''
But, he said, beard trimming ``was not designed as a religious punitive measure, nor was it ever carried out by interrogation personnel.''
Rosenberg takes zero action to examine what injuries those guards suffered. In fact, she asks not a single soldier to explain their humiliation at having feces and semen tossed on them.
But you can bet she doesn't miss a beat at exploring how these jihadis feel just so...yuckie at having a beard trim.
Countered New York attorney Martha Rayner, who represents a Yemeni client named Sanad al Kazimi, 37, whose beard was cut in October 2006, allegedly for throwing urine and feces at the guards: ``They do it to humiliate. As punishment. It is how they truly can humiliate a Muslim man -- shave his beard.''
And to frame the argument as U.S. soldiers bad, terrorists good, she takes it to the next Quran destroying level:
Captives countered, through their lawyers, that they so feared their guards would defile their Korans that some returned them to commanders rather than leave them behind in their cells when they went to recreation or attorney meetings.
Added Costello: ``Beards were trimmed to within inches, not clean-shaven.''
So they weren't even totally removed, just a hygienic trim. OOOH THE HORRORS!!
And it gets worse:
High-value captive Majid Khan protested that Guantánamo guards shackled him and shaved off his beard for refusing to return his breakfast tray on Nov. 15, 2006.
Did Rosenberg think to ask what the standard is for the U.S. prison system? I mean I have watched many of those prison shows on the History Channel and the like. I have seen prisoners with beards but never one with a flowing beard. Is it now torture to put the same restrictions on terrorists as we do American citizens in jail? And of course she has to drop the obligatory U.S. alleges but hasn't charged crap. Does Rosenberg think the US military has nothing better to do than detain random Pakistanis? U.S. military officials and DOJ officials have reviewed the man's case and have decided he is a High-value captive, he has information and is a threat, period.
Khan is a 1999 suburban Baltimore high school graduate who was seized in Pakistan and held for years in secret CIA detention. Although the U.S. alleges he plotted unrealized attacks on U.S. gas stations and water reservoirs, he has not been charged with a crime.
Of course, Rosenberg hopes you don't know this about Majid Khan: Defense Link
The Department of Defense today will grant access for a civilian defense attorney to meet with Majid Khan, a Pakistani national and one of 15 high value detainees held at the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay. Khan is an alleged Al Qaeda operative with direct connections to the United States, having lived and attended high school in the Baltimore area. Khan also has direct connections to Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM), whom he has referred to as his uncle. KSM allegedly selected Khan as an operative for a possible attack inside the United States and tasked him with researching the poisoning of U.S. water reservoirs and the possibility of blowing up gas stations. Khan has reportedly had links to Al Qaeda operatives and facilitators, some who assisted him with false travel documents to re-enter the U.S. illegally, and involved him in a discussion of smuggling explosives into the United States using the New York office of a Karachi-based textile business.
Khan exemplifies the significant and genuine threat that the United States and other countries face throughout the world.
Khan is the nephew of Khalid Sheik Mohammad, the man whose other nephew blew up the WTC in 1993. And as a great irony, KSM cut off the head of the journalist Daniel Pearl while this reporter frets over a trim.
And to top it off....wait for it....a Nazi reference (I know, I know, shocking)!
Earlier this year, Washington attorney David Remes circulated a Holocaust-era photo of a Nazi cutting a Jew's beard, and likened it to the Guantánamo policy.
''I don't think that anyone who is doing this [at Guantánamo] understands the historical association,'' he said.
Captives claim the military magnified their humiliation by videotaping the beard-cutting. The military declined a Herald request for a copy, and would not allow a Herald reporter to view one.
Detainees' lawyers said the policy had waned for a while and then saw a resurgence after the command staff was rattled by clashes between detainees and guards in the most lenient camp on the base, which the military cast as a foiled uprising.
Who knew hair cutting was the work of sadistic socialists? (since that is what the Nazi's were and all...says it right there in the name). Beware the barber!
For all this, Carol Rosenberg deserves the terrorist sympathizing journalist of the year award! Good luck and God bless Carol! You pwned that rotten ole U.S.A.!
She needs to see a copy of this blog Ray. I say you contact her.
Posted by: Mark E. | Tuesday, November 06, 2007 at 05:50 AM
What do you think would happen to Ms Rosenberg (check the last name) if she was left with the terriots for awhile? Do you think they would appreciate her comments, or do you think "it" might come back clean shaven, and a little worn out?
Posted by: Dfar | Tuesday, November 06, 2007 at 09:42 AM
The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the - Web Reconnaissance for 11/06/2007 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day...so check back often.
Posted by: David M | Tuesday, November 06, 2007 at 10:24 AM