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It does seem awful suspicious that they do not list the actual questions asked. I mean, if the question was whether the government had any intelligence information about 9/11, you would probably find 60% of people answering yes (cue Ms. Rice "I believe the title was, "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States."). If the question was more specific to what the post is insinuating in the article -- that the government allowed the attack to take place, I would hope the number of responders in the 'yes' group would be under 1%.

That the post framed it to sound like an inside job by the government, or that the government had actual forewarning about the attack is ludicrous. Probably needed to fill space in their VERY impressive conspiracy graphic.

Ray Robison

Exactly what I suspected. Did the gov have evidence an attack was being planned? That would cause a bunch of people to say yes, but I couldnt find any info on the questions.

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