Oh give me a freaking break! I think the American media is starting to wear me down. Congratulations libs, you win. The US government and the American people that elected it are the heart of evil in the world. Please Lord, give the liberals want they want and destroy everything that is freedom and democracy and bind us all to a f$%#ing Islamic constitution right now. Then once we have Sharia, then we can talk about gay marriage. Sound like a good idea to you libs? No? Then why are you clowns so eager to make it happen by de-legitimizing the US and portraying Islam as the victim of western oppression?
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Islamic militia appeared to control Mogadishu on Monday after winning a bloody three-month battle against warlords who have run the Somali capital for 15 years.
The warlords are widely believed to be covertly backed by a U.S. administration concerned, according to former U.S. intelligence officials, that Islamist rulers could provide a save haven for al Qaeda akin to Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. Many fled on Monday to other parts of Somalia or neighbouring Kenya.
The Islamic side, which supports sharia courts in Mogadishu, announced they controlled the city in radio broadcasts and public meetings. Both residents and some members of the warlords' own militia said the city was in Islamic hands.
Many analysts view the violence as a proxy war between the United States and Islamic militants. Many Somalis have moved to the Islamic side because of Washington's perceived support for the warlords, residents say.
John Prendergast, who monitors Somalia for the think-tank International Crisis Group, said he had learned from warlord alliance members in Somalia that the CIA was financing them with cash payments of $100,000 to $150,000 per month.
Let's just examine this right now. This is what Reuters would have you believe.
1) That the CIA is the cause of this conflict. Without the CIA support, these peace loving folks wouldn't be fighting each other.
2) That the CIA is covertly supporting the same people who dragged dead American soldiers through the streets. According to everything I have read, this was caused by the warlords, not the Islamic militants.
3) That this is a proxy war because no Jihad group would be fighting other Muslims. (slightly distinct from one, I realize)
4) That this is a reaction to a new phenomenon of al-Qaeda in Somalia, despite the fact it is old news from the mid 90's that al-Qaeda was in Somalia. In other words, it was already a safe haven long before the GWoT.
5) It now seems that Somalian warlords make good sources to reveal US government activities.
What the f#%$ Reuters? Have you lost your collective minds? What editor authorized this piece of crap reporting? Can you please find a way to blame Genghis Khan on the United States as well?