I have never heard of Kyle Smith before, but I am now a huge fan. He has MASTERED the art of pointing out the obvious to the oblivious! The only thing I might add...if the earth has had ice ages, it has then had warm ages...so global warming is nothing new is it...DDDDUUUUUUHHHHHHH!!!!!
He (Al Gore) implies that no reputable scientists dispute
anything he says - basically, that the ice caps are melting and people
on the 50th floor of the Empire State Building had better learn to
swim. But there is wide disagreement about whether humans are causing
global warming (climate change preceded the invention of the Escalade)
and about whether we should be worried about the trends. Look carefully
at Gore's charts and you'll see that the worst horrors take place in
the future of his imagination. His implication that he is our only hope - every ticket
bought for this movie amounts to a soft-money contribution to his 2008
campaign - is ridiculous. He and his friends were in charge for eight
years. His charts say global warming got worse in that time. The
environment doesn't seem to care whether the president is a Texas
oilman or the Man from Hope.
"Please Lord, give the liberals want they want and destroy everything that is freedom and democracy and bind us all to a f$%#ing Islamic constitution right now."
LOL! fantastic.
Yeah lets see how they like shariha law, should be easy for them to talk gay marriage when their heads are on pikes.
Posted by: swamp6 | Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 02:31 PM